
The best way to contact us is by email using . You're also welcome to use the Quick Contact form below, write to our postal address or call and leave a message. An email will get a response within 4 hours at most though.

Postal Address

HuTag Ltd
Tyringham House
5 Paddock Close
Great Linford
MK14 5LD
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 118 328 2238

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where do we ship tags to?

We ship worldwide. Since launching in October 2013 we've built up a global customer base and now ship to over 50 countries.

2. What if the website doesn't include my country?

Contact us by email to place your order. The process then goes like this:

  • A pro forma invoice will be issued including our bank details
  • Once payment is received we will ship the products to you
  • An invoice will be issued for your records

3. Do the prices listed include VAT?

No. We sell business to business and VAT is added at checkout and to all pro forma invoices.


  • EU VAT holders outside the United Kingdom. We will need to validate your EU VAT number so please include the country code when providing this. We use this website to validate all EU VAT numbers If your VAT number doesn't validate we will have to charge you VAT. That's the law.
  • Countries outside the EU

4. What if I don't want to pay online or by PayPal?

No problem. Just contact us by email. To provide a quote/pro forma invoice we need:

  • Full company name and address
  • Phone and email address - necessary for shipping
  • EU VAT number if you're outside the UK and in the EU

5. The customer is responsible for bank transfer fees

All of our invoices carry this statement. It mean we expect to receive the amount we invoice for. To ensure this happens use the correct code on the international wire transfer (MT103 SWIFT). Sending fees should always be paid by the sender. BEN, OUR and SHA are codes in a SWIFT document at field 71A ¨Details of Charges¨.

  • BEN (beneficiary) means you do not pay any charges. We would receive your payment minus all transfer charges resulting your payment to arrive short into our account.
  • OUR instruction means you pay for all transfer charges and this guarantees that we will receive your payment in full. Please note that you will have to pay any sending related fees, otherwise these will be deducted from the full amount you wish to send.
  • SHA (shared) means you only pay your bank's outgoing transfer charges. We would receive your payment minus the correspondent (intermediary) bank charges. This will result your payment to arrive short into our account.

We ask that all international transfers to us be made with the OUR instruction. Flywire eliminates hidden bank fees and ensures your Institution receives the correct amount.